Friday, June 27, 2008

'Left'- The Heroes Of Indian Politics!

As we all know, CPI a.k.a Left is one of the most important political party in the country today,as it controls the strings of Indian Government. But sometimes I wonder if Left is worth so much attention. Whether it is Nuclear deal, petrol price hike or joint military exercises, they seem to have a view which is always contradictory to that of any educated rational person.
Left people argue that the nuclear deal is not on equal terms and India has made unnecessary concessions to US. I mean how do u expect a country, which has a GDP thirteen times that of India and is technologically 100 years ahead of us, to have a deal on equal terms.There are certain restrictions imposed on nuclear testing, but i don't understand the need of nuclear weapons in todays world scenario.No country in the world today has the guts to initiate a nuclear war.They say it is a matter of national security.First take some retaliatory action against Chinese forces who cross the border ten times a day and have already taken hundreds of kilometers of Indian territory. HAVE THE GUTS!!
Main objective of the government is to end the years long nuclear discrimination against India through this deal but these people don't seem to understand that.
Second issue that the Left is handling these days is inflation.They know the problem i.e inflation, everyone knows but do they have a solution? If the global prices of commodities rise what should the government do.Oil prices rose by 150% during the last six months but petrol price hike was a meager Rs 5.What else do you want a government to do?Moreover, when inflation reached 11% last week, inflation in food items accounted for only 1% of that.This means that inflation is not affecting the poor.Then why such hue and cry from the left?
Another point is, Left always seems to have problems when government talks of relations with US, whether its economic cooperation or military relations or the Israel issue.US is such a big power in todays world that maintaining healthy relations with it can only be beneficial for India.
Left has a different view point in this too.
Just look at the states ruled by left parties.West Bengal, where industrialization has just started on a large scale.Calcutta is nowhere compared to other metros.
Second is Kerala where most of the educated people migrate out in search of jobs.Third is Goa,which is famous only as a tourist destination, nothing else.
If India has to have a good future these communists should be exiled to China, so that the government can freely pursue its progressive policies without any problems with its allies.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Is The Naked Mile Possible In India..

Some days back, I was watching 'American Pie-5, The naked mile' on my friend's computer for the third time. Suddenly a question struck my mind. Is there any possibility that such an event can be organized in India? I know this sounds crazy now but some years down the line, it might turn into a reality, much to the delight of every single male in India.
However, there are number of issues to be addressed before you all enter that fantasy world. First point to be discussed is which city is the best to organize such an event?
We'll consider five cities one by one.
1) Chennai: If it takes place in Chennai(don't laugh), i don't want to imagine the chaos it will cause. It is not easy to estimate how many guys will be raped and how many will commit suicide. Not only the participating males, the onlookers will also die of heart attacks seeing chennai women naked.

2) Bangalore: Bangalore is not an option as it already has traffic problems and is too cramped to hold such an event.

3) Mumbai: It can definitely be organized in Mumbai but Shiv Sena will make sure that each male finishes the race with his vital organs cut off.

4) Calcutta: Calcutta is also an option but then the Left will withdraw its support from the government for letting such an event happen in its state. We should understand that naked mile is not worth an early election.

Only place left is Delhi and according to me, it is the best place to organize this event for the following reasons:
i) Percentage of babes and dudes in Delhi and surrounding areas is not even comparable to other parts of India( barring Mumbai which we have already discussed).

ii) Now if you know a bit of economics, Supply is defined as 'the quantity which is available and which the seller is willing to sell'. The 'willing' point here requires some attention if you are getting what i am trying to say. Delhi has the babes and dudes, that we all know but the main point is that they have the spirit and guts to pull it off.

iii) Being the Capital city of India, media coverage will be better in New Delhi. :)

So according to me, Delhi is best equipped to handle such an event. I am open to all of your views which can put as comments.

Monday, June 23, 2008

"Lungi"-The Next Best Thing To... Naked!

One of the most popular and commonly used garment in Southern India is 'Lungi'. It cuts across all economic and caste barriers and is used by one and all, be it a hindu or a muslim, a daily wage labourer or the owner of sarvana bhavan himself. There must be some concrete logic or reason behind the ubiquitous popularity of such a simple piece of cloth. If you haven't pondered over it, let me tell you lungi has numerous advantages over any other garment in the world and its utility can be compared to none. I would like to list out a few of them here:
Uses or Utilities:
1) First of all its primary use, which is to cover the lower half of the body as all of us know.

2) It can be used as a towel. All you need to do is to pull it upto your face and it turns into a towel.

3) In the night, it can be used as a bed sheet. Just remove it and spread it on your bed and enjoy a sound sleep.

4) No need to carry a handkerchief if you are wearing a lungi.

1) It can serve the purpose of both, full pants and the shorts and can be converted from one form to another within seconds. Just fold it up and it is ready to be used as shorts.

2) In Chennai quite a few people complain of allergies and infections due to excessive sweating. Lungi makes sure that you get all the air thats available outside. If we define a ratio or efficiency parameter,
h= air received/air available
Lungi tends to maximize this efficiency.

3) While pissing , you don't need to unzip or unbutton anything.Its too cumbersome. All you need to do is to fold it up and start.

4) Once you wash it, the drying time of lungi is about ten times less than a normal pair of jeans. Therefore its ready for use most of the time.

I am sure there must be some important points which i have missed out on. So if you have any more uses of lungi in your mind, feel free to write in the comments. I'll include them later. :)

Note: This blog is based on my experiences in Chennai.