Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Fight is the word!!

The first thing that you realize when you enter IIT is life is not a cake walk, its tough, extremely tough. You have to fight it out for everything, right from reaching classes on bicycle to spending hours in fitting workshop doing labor work to having horrible mess food.If you understand a bit of economics, marginal effort for doing anything useful is extremely high. This is one of the reasons why most people in IIT refrain from doing useful things.:).
I used to plan and do things systematically when i came here initially, but lately i have become a big procrastinator and a true slacker.Part of the blame goes to the institute also as they push you to a limit where its difficult to survive without being lazy and without delaying things.
Fight is the have to put fight, otherwise you are gone,you'll be nowhere.
Present fight what most people in my batch are facing is 'internship'. Foreign internships are banned, thanks to the sudden rush of patriotic hormones in our dean's blood. Its not like students are not getting interns but the fight needed by internship coordinators and students is too much for a 2 credit course.
its just one of the examples of the word 'fight' in IIT..You can only appreciate the word 'fight' once you have been through this IIT life.


Saurabh Goel said...

dude hv known u for 3yrs now!!! expectin me to believe u r procrastinator?? forget it.. if u r writing this for normal junta like me :P, then its a gr8ly written..

Pratik Gupta said...

only one word this time - awesome!!!

Rajesh Kumar said...

i have become a big procrastinator : does not apply and suit to u chuchi.............

yesvikas said...

ahem! you and procrastinator ! I don't think i've ever seen a bigger muggu or a fight-putter than you.

Jenna putting pseud just because you're bp-2 and all eh?

:) kidding... your best post so far, i can see! hope the trend continues...

yesvikas said...

btw, this is Vikas :)...

The username is not very revealing.

Anupam Chakilam said...

T :P